This listing is for the Lipstick Pink Zipper by the yard which matches perfectly with the Lipstick ByAnnie Mesh and foldover elastic. ZIPYD-250
Zippers by the Yard contain 4 yards (366cm) of zipper chain and 16 color-coordinated extra-large pulls. This packaging enables you to make single-slide or double-slide zippers of any length (up to 144″) with little waste, saving money and time. If you’re making a number of By Annie projects, this is quite an economic way to buy the zips as buying smaller sizes you often end up with-off cuts that are too small to use. This way you only cut off what you need. If you use a lot of small zips and run out of pulls you can also buy the pulls separately in list of fun colours. See our listing for Zipper Pulls Bright.