Rotary Cutting



    18mmRotary Cutter


    8 in stock

    SKU: BQC-01734 Categories: ,


    The 18mm rotary cutter is the smallest and lightest in the OLFA rotary cutter family. It is perfect for fussy cutting around acrylic templates or cutting paper. Because of the small diameter of the blade it can manage to cut tighter curves that the larger blades. Any one with larger hands might prefer the 28mm blade which has the same advantages but is a little more substantial in the hand. This cutter features the pop off blade replacement. No washers, nothing to unscrew. Just pull back the the catch, replace the blade and push the catch back in place. Being so light weight and small, it is also perfect for travel or retreat sewing kits.

    Olfa is a trusted brand in high quality blades and cutters. The Olfa company, from Japan, invented the first snap-off-blade, box cutters and the world’s first rotary cutters which have many uses but have become the norm in quilting. 

    NOTE: The cutter comes with one blade already fitted. Replacement blades can be bought when this one becomes blunt. 

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