Our Berry Mystery Bundles are a fun way to add to your stash. Part lucky-dip, part stash strategy, part entertainment, you can be sure they include great quality fabrics chosen by us from our shelves. AND part ‘shop-aid’ (haha) buying from in this locked down time of uncertainty really helps us out!
This bundle is all Japanese Terracotta Sheetings, often hard to find more than one or two all in the one place. At the moment, we have a GREAT range to share with you! They’re an excellent weight to add to quilting projects and are lovely traditional japanese designs and colours.
This small size special Berry Mystery Bundle contains ten different fabrics made up of 5 x Fat Quarters and 5 x Fat Eighths. The mystery will be which exact fabrics you get and which are fat quarters and which are fat eighths. We are sure you will be happy with the surprise!
Our metric Fat Eighths measure 25cm x 55cm and our Fat Quarters measure 50cm x 55cm Don’t forget they are a MYSTERY so they will vary slightly from the image pictured above. We hope you can trust us to send you something really lovely!
Don’t forget you can choose click and collect at the check out to avoid paying shipping. You can collect in store or we can organise to bring it to your car if you like. We will phone or SMS you when it’s ready. The other thing to remember is that these Japanese bundles listed here show a tiny fraction of the Japanese Fabrics that we carry so give is a call if you’d like some pictures of the range sent directly to you! (02) 4464 3387