COVID-19 UPDATE 23/3/2020

Sharon Thomson

Hi Everyone, Here is another update around COVID-19 related changes to our normal operation at Berry Quilt & Co.

CLASSES AND GROUPS:  As of today we are cancelling all our regular classes and groups as part of the Dept of Health recommendations to avoid group situations. Any payments that have been made for groups or classes will be credited towards classes when they resume. This is regrettable but it is so important to do everything we can to slow the spread of the virus.

RETAIL STORE: Our retail store is closed tomorrow 24th March as usual for a Tuesday. We are currently planning to re-open for retail as usual on Wednesday 25th March at 10am.  However this is dependent on restrictions that may be put in place by the authorities. Stay tuned to this blog and our social media feed for any changes or special arrangements around how to access the store.

AS WE ALREADY MENTIONED: In the store, we will be taking extra precautions around hand washing and the sanitising of surfaces including our eftpos machine, counter area, and bathroom, including providing single use paper towel for hand drying.

We hope you can all stay safe & alert but not alarmed and that this virus runs its course quickly.

Sharon, Carol, Charlotte, Lisa & Sue

PS A shout out to Sheena Chapman whose block this is behind our message.


We hope you can stay safe & well!  

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